среда, 21 февраля 2018 г.



Zapit is a platform that serves to identify the product glasses found in Amazon. We will use blockchain technology, ensuring that each review written by users is a written review and previously tested by blockchain technology. We recreate the sense of customer trust with the Zapit platform, so you can safely buy items based on feedback from other users without worrying about the reviews being fake. We will create an ecosystem where users who make contributions receive Zapit symbols. We zullen dit platform aanbieden aan leveranciers, consumenten, productbeoordelers en beoordelings moderators, die nuttig zullen zijn voor de promotie of aankoop van goederen.



Consumers get honest feedback, and as a result, they will be able to make better purchase decisions.


Zapitmake offers legitimate product reviews for sellers for the products they decide to list, thereby creating trust between the seller and the consumer. Suppliers will also be able to connect their Amazon affiliate identifier with Zapit to earn additional revenue from selling products related to Zapit.

Product Evaluator:

Product evaluators will be part of the block analysis of products without the need for commercial use. They will earn the Zapit Tokens when their reviews are available on Zapit.
Moderators Moderators Moderators will be able to earn the Zapit Tokens for every valuable contribution they make to the platform.

Vi tror at når vi testar de blokeringssystemer og systemer vi har utviklet, kan vi opprette en følelse av offentlig tillit som for øyeblikket er suspensivt av det scanningsystem som tilbys av e-handel eller andre plattformer. Vi tror at blockchain og krypteringsutvekslingsteknologier er den mest vigtige del af det, vi kan bygge et platform som bliver sikrere og bedre enn lignende platforme.

The most effective method of working Zapit

A block block confirmed by a notepad can be obtained in two different ways:

Plugins for the Zapit browser - Zapit browser plugins are open to those customers who need honest reach control while searching for Amazon products online. Klienter vil kunne se alle revisioner for det element de er på nuværende tidspunkt på Amazon med Zapit Brower plug-in.

Zapit's website - Zapit's website is basically an online stage where all audits that support mediators will be distributed. This will be detected by each client looking for honest interviews for the item they are involved in buying.

The original offer of token (ITO) Zapit

The original draft token or ITO is a decentralized method of raising funds for a new launch or offering a first Zapit token offered by those interested in supporting the Zapit concept and platform. For each ITO participant, it will be possible to use their tokens to transfer their products to Zapit. I tillegg kan de også velge at få en Zapit moderator konto med disse tokens.

Zapita offered 100,000,000 "Zapita" tokens.

1 Eth: 10000 Zapit

In haar private verkoop, 10 procent of Zapit zal een totaal van 10 miljoen exemplaren aanbieden. 5,000,000 for sale + 5,000,000 bonuses)

Zapit Tokens and ITO members receive 100% bonus.

In de publieke verkoop van 40% of Zapit Tokens aandelen, een totaal van 40.000.000. 26,700,000 For Sale + 13,300,000 bonuses

10,000,000 tokens will be distributed to consultants and supportive communities.

40,000,000 Core Core and for the platform's ongoing development. To learn more about the process of submitting the primary cursor.

For more information about the project, click on the links:

About the author: Leviitapochek

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